
Saturday 8 October 2016

Who Am I?

Hi, I'm Alexander Hunter Green, essentially just a 21 year old bloke with some time on his hands. Having just completed my degree, in something I have frankly no interest in, I find myself unemployed, confused and a little bit bored. Leaving uni the one thing I have come to realise is that I have lived a life that is anything but normal. I only realised this when I saw the looks of shock, fear and occasionally disgust on people's faces when I recited stories of my life. Whether it be, escaping arranged marriages, being cleansed by a witch doctor on the side of a motorway bridge with eggs or hiding in an abandoned school to escape armed men - I seem to constantly find myself in surreal and frankly weird situations. So I thought the best way of finding some sort of sense to this madness was to write down my adventures - in many ways you should think of this less as a blog and more as a therapy session! So with you as my therapist I will spill all the details on some of the strangest stories you're ever likely to hear. Other than being an idiot who finds himself in crazy situations, I am also a man who has a deep passion for both music and food. Whether it be trying out new dishes or listening to new music I am always exploring the world of music and food and will be telling you all about it. I'll also be sharing tales from my journey to become a radio DJ, embarrassing sexual encounters and just awkward everyday stories!

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